
Virtual flight

3D Printing Factory

We invite you to take a flight through our company building. We would be happy to show you all areas of one of the most modern and largest 3D printing factories in Europe.

3D-printing using the power of the sun

Spring 2022 – New photovoltaic system with a peak output of 280 KWp

The careful and efficient handling of resources used to manufacture 3D-print models has always been an integral part of production for robotmech. The production of environmentally friendly energy is a further step in this direction.

Through the installation of a photovoltaic system with a peak output of 280 KWp from 920 solar modules, we supply a very large percentage of the company’s energy needs ourselves and thereby reduce our CO2 footprint significantly.

A sustainable and long-term investment in the future and an important contribution in the fight against climate change.

ATOS Triple Scan - Industrial optical 3d scanner

ATOS Triple Scan

Industrial optical 3d scanner

3D Coordinate Measurementg
High End Scanning and Inspection System
Quality Control and Reverse Engineering

The ATOS Triple Scan is a high-resolution, optical 3D scanner that delivers rapid and precise three-dimensional measuring data for the optimization of machine parameters, thereby improving industrial production processes in prototyping. The ATOS system is used in many industries for the inspection of parts such as automotive, aircraft construction, tooling and motor racing and many more. Precise inspection is particularly essential for industrial 3D-printing, where every day new, highly complex parts are being manufactured.

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Extended CNC milling department for 3-dimensional special packaging

Our understanding of quality is found throughout our production chain. One of the final links is the best possible packaging for your 3D prototypes in order that they arrive to you safely and in perfect condition.

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Completion of Machine Hall 3

We are now in the final phase of the construction of our new Machine Hall 3 with 22 additional 3D printing machines. 20 machines are already producing 24/7 for you. The completion of the final two printing machines was finished at the end of 2018.

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World premiere – Lightweight construction of the future

The “EDAG Light Cocoon”: An impressive view of the ultimate future 3D printing vision with an entirely new understanding of aesthetics in automobile design. As a 3D printing specialist, robotmech produced the car body parts for this new concept car designed by Wiesbaden engineering specialist EDAG.

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Looking Back to the Company Expansion in 2012 and 2014

In order to guarantee our customers the best availability and enough 3D print capacity, we expanded our production space to 10,000 m² in 2012 and 2014.

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Additive manufacturing EDAG-GENESIS

EDAG/Rücker presents “EDAG-GENESIS“

Geneva Motor Show 2014

By presenting the “EDAG-GENESIS” at the 2014 Geneva Motor Show, EDAG/Rücker presented the future of manufacturing technology – achieved with robotmech as a production partner. Additive manufacturing is a process of producing future components that are more flexible in size, structure and form than currently is possible.

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